Wednesday, April 27, 2011


After hours and hours of screen time, my seniors' rough drafts are finally graded. Managed to finish the last one during the first 10 minutes of my last period class. (I know, I cut it close) Huge weight lifted. After another couple hours I got sub plans written, my classroom organized and ready for the next two days. At the moment I'm trying to get Roe to sleep so I can hit the road and head to Sacramento. Tonight I'll be staying with my little bro and jumping on a plane to Chicago at the crack of dawn tomorrow. I haven't seen my sister since Christmas, and I haven't been to Chicago in a few years. The point of the trip is to watch her defend her thesis and move on to her next step on her way to being a doctor. I'm so proud of her. I'm sad to leave my family, especially my wife, who is super pregnant and needs my help around the house and with Roe. I'll miss them both terribly, but I'm stoked to get outta dodge for a couple days and see my family. I'm not prepared at all for next week but that's Sunday's problem. Now if only this daughter of mine would close her eyes...
By the way, my two YouTube vids are perma linked on my blog so check it out!

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