Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dr. Janai Ryan-Marie Carr (My amazing little sister)

A few days later I'm still at a loss for words. In most families there is a shining star. Someone who really stands out. Someone who not only meets your expectations, but proceeds to blow those expectations out of the water with a Hiroshima sized atomic bomb. In my family, as much as I wish it was me, I have nothing on my sister Janai. I have called her Jane for as long as I can remember, and as of two days ago, you've got to call her Doctor Carr. Yes, my sister has done something few can say. She has earned a PH.D in Biochemistry. My entire family has always been aware of her high intelligence. She skipped the 1st grade for crying out loud! That aside, as snarky, playful and witty as she can be, this has never masked the fact that she is scary smart. I flew out to Chicago to watch her defend her thesis in front of a room of friends, family, peers and other scary smart scientists. She not only defended it, but made me wonder why or how anyone in their right mind would question her work when her roughly 50 minute talk ended. It was absolutely brilliant. Just listen in to her mentor introduce her:

As you can see, her colleagues not only admire and support her work, but they think what we've always known Jane to be: way above the rest of us mere mortals. One of the heads of her department made a point of pulling us aside and informing us that she was the best student they have ever seen. Did you catch that? EVER! While following all the terms and processes of her work was hard to follow to us laymen, it was obvious that what Jane's doing is nothing short of groundbreaking. I have included a coupe of videos and pictures capturing this occasion below. What goes without saying is that my sister is well on her way to making her imprint in this world and our family could not be any prouder if we tried. Me personally, I couldn't help but puff out my chest as wave after wave of her friends, coworkers and colleagues came by to shake my hand, say congrats, and share their experience with this most extraordinary member to the Carr family. Best of luck Jane, we love you so much. You've made us so proud!
(I apologize for the audio in the videos; she wasn't miked)

Okay...Now say it in English.

This is a longer video, but the thank yous are toward the end. You might see and hear some familiar names *cough* Carr Family *cough, cough*

This is the part where Sean and I got pretty defensive of our sis because how dare they question her awesomeness!!

 Carr family dressed and on aproach
 She looks amazing, I know, but if only you could see the shoes...
 Title of Jane's presentation
 Long name; longer hallways
 This room will be nearly full by the time Jane starts talking. Of course Jane's friend Yalda had to get into the picture.
 Jane talking to her mentor Pradip and another really smart sciency guy
 Just one of her many amazingly detailed and informative slides. This made total sense at the time.
Carr family hanging on Jane's every word; even if we didn't understand it all.
Sean Jr. (my nephlet) didn't quite make it all the way through, but he couldn't have picked a better time to nap
Jane's peers had everything all decked out
If you didn't know, Jane's favorite cake is strawberry shortcake. I normally don't do cake, but this one was phenomenal!
Jane arrives to the party met with roaring applause
Hugs all around!
One for Uncle Don too. It was great to see him again. He seems to fly around the country in order to show up to our stuff. Thanks for all the years of support. We love ya Don!
Nephlet and DeeDee. I hadn't seen DeeDee in a long time. It was great to see you!! We gotta hit the links again soon.
Proud mother
Yeah, it's the cake again, but this time it's not covered!
Yalda, Jane and a proud father. He seems to be talking instead of smiling, which is unusual because he's normally so quiet:)
Looking good Carr family
Uncle Don, Jane and nephlet.
Jane's friends
Looks like they are holding her up. Figuratively that's what they're doing
Yalda, Jane and her other friend Matt.
It's a little blurry, but you can feel the love, right?
Jane standing next to her avatar. As Rowan would say: "Same, same!"
Jane's very "tidy" workstation
Jane promised that they weren't doing anything bad to this cute little mouse, but we had our doubts.
The guys down the hall doing a little "work"
This pic was hanging on Jane's workstation wall. Talk about a blast from the New Year's Eve past.

By the way, check back soon for the pics and vids from the rest of my antics in Chi Town...

Dragon on the Ledge


Anonymous said...

Marshall, I don't know if you remember us, by, Sean and our son Michael went to school together at OLM in Gustine. It's been years since we have heard anything of the Carr's. You guys must be so proud!! I can even say I knew her "when". Tell your family congatulations from us!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Janai and the rest of the family. It's always so nice to see hometown people becoming someone great. Couldn't be prouder of a more deserving individual!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Janai and the whole Carr Family. Marshall, wonderful job I could feel the pride you have for your little sister. Best wishes to all.

Unknown said...

Marshall! Um...maybe it's my pregnancy hormones, but I'm tearing up! I thought of you guys that entire week! I'm so proud of Jane...my adopted sis! Love you guys (and look forward to seeing your mom Sat!). Good luck with new baby, looking forward to hearing the news of the birth! Love Ron!

yafshar said...

dearest marshall. your sister is brilliant, fabulous, gorgeous, and has absolutely contagious energy for life, love and science (but hey, you already knew that). more than anything, your words about her were wonderful. thank you so much for sharing. here's to science + love. in health, yalda.

Unknown said...

Wow! Beautiful and brilliant! So glad you shared this! She is amazing! Very proud to know her let alone be in the same family! Congrats Janai!!! Sanders and Danielle

Anonymous said...

Hey Marshall thanks so much for posting all of this! I was sad because I couldn't be there and now so grateful that I got to see it anyway :)
Shucran from Kuwait